Online Retreat Dhamma Talk

Day 01 : Mettā Instrctions and Orientations

Brief instructions of Mettā Meditation given by Venerable Vimalarami Bhante

Day 02 : MN 2 Sabbāsava Sutta The Buddha teaches the bhikkhus seven methods to restrain and eventually destroy all the taints (āsavas). 

Day 03 : MN 128 Upakkilesa Sutta

This discourse has two parts. In the first, there is more information about living in concord, arising from the dispute at Kosambī (as in MN-48). It includes a famous series of stanzas about living with non-hatred. In the second, the Buddha discusses the various impediments to meditative progress. 

Day 04 : MN 111 Anupada Sutta

The Buddha describes Ven. Sāriputta’s attainment to arahatship as it occurred through the jhānas.

Day 05 : MN 18 Madhupiṇḍika Sutta

This is an important discourse on papañca. Papañca is the proliferation and projection of mind that emerges from the process of cognition, and gives rise to perceptions and notions that overwhelm and victimize a person. After the Buddha has finished speaking, Ven. Mahā Kaccāna gives the detailed meaning.

Day 06 : MN 38 Sutta Mahātaṇhāsankhaya Sutta

This is an important discourse on dependent origination and the destruction of craving. After reprimanding the bhikkhu Sāti about the view he was proclaiming—that the same consciousness runs through the round of rebirths— the Buddha explains from every angle the correct way to view dependent origination, showing how all phenomena of existence arise and cease through conditions.

Day 07 : SN 12:10 (i) Origination Gotama the Great Sage - Gotamasuttaṃ,

The Buddha when he was a unawakened bodhisatta investigated how the Dependent Origination links arose.

Day 08 : MN 44 Cūḷavedalla Sutta 

This discourse is a discussion between bhikkhuni Dhammadinnā and her former husband, the lay follower Visākha. It includes many excellent points on identity, feelings (vedanā), cessation and Nibbāna. 8 Fold path is discussed.

Day 09 : MN 43 Mahāvedalla Sutta

Ven. Mahā Koṭṭhita meets with Ven. Sāriputta and asks questions about the Dharma in order to refine his understanding. This discourse expounds various subtle points of Dhamma.

Day 10 : MN 21 Kakucupama Sutta

This discourse is a challenging and relevant training on how to develop compassion, lovingkindness, equanimity and patience even when we are physically attacked or fatally wounded by someone.