Dhamma Talk & Meditation Sessions via ZOOM
Listen Dhamma Talk, Sutta Reading, and doing meditation, keep precept all the time (without breaking them), and practice uplifting mind all the time - then you will see how those help you in life to Sharpen mindfulness & relieve daily suffering.
Live On Zoom!
📢 Dhamma Talk based on Sutta + Q&A
🌐 English Language
📅 Every Wednesday
⏰ 07:30 pm India Time
📲 https://zoom.us/j/71630343799?pwd=1234
Zoom Log in ID: 716 3034 3799
Password 1234
Live On Zoom!
📢 Dhamma Talk + Q&A
🌐 Hindi Language
📅 Every Sunday
⏰ 07:00 am India Time
🗣 Sachin Gudas / Sindhu Dhondi, or
🗣 Dr. Major Madhusudhanji
📲 https://zoom.us/j/71630343799?pwd=1234
Log in id 716 3034 3799
Password 1234
Live On Zoom!
📢 Weekly Sunday Group Sitting and Q&A Sessions.
🌐 English language
📝 Silent Group Sit
⏰ 03:00 pm - 03:30 pm (India/Sri Lanka time)
⏰ 08:30 pm - 09:00 pm (Sydney time)
📝 Dhamma Talk (including Q&A)
⏰ 03:30 pm - 04:30 pm (India/Sri Lanka time)
⏰ 09:00pm - 10:00 pm (Sydney time)
📲 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84968043832?pwd=bVAvd2tQUERFRGtYRkhLazc0Q2JCdz09
Zoom Meeting ID: 849 6804 3832
Password: 1234